Sep 30, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar (Draft) 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar (Draft)

Child and Youth Studies Programs (BA)

John McNamara

Professor Emeritus
Maurice Feldman, Dorothy Griffiths, Tom O’Neill, Frances Owen

Heather Chalmers, Maureen Connolly, Suzanne Curtin, Jan Frijters, Voula Marinos, John McNamara, Richard Mitchell, Shannon Moore, Shauna Pomerantz, Rebecca Raby, Christine Tardif- Williams, Ayda Tekok-Kilic, Anthony Volk, Terrance J. Wade, Tricia Vause, Dawn Zinga

Associate Professors
Naomi Andrews, Dan Cui, Hannah Dyer, Chelsea Jones, Matthew Kwan, Danielle Molnar, Erin Panda, Heather Ramey, Donato Tarulli

Assistant Professors
Ann Farrell, Kaitlin Fredericks, Christiana Okyere Folson


Administrative Co-ordinator
Lisa Dilts

Academic Advisors
Catherine Carlucci, Lindsay Cramp

Student Learning Facilitators
Hannah Anderson, Jo-Anne Sinnige-Egger, Kristen Rose

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Lora Nero

905-688-5550, extension 3740
Cairns 319

The Department of Child and Youth Studies (CHYS) offers four-year programs leading to the BA Honours or BA with Major in Child and Youth Studies, a three-year BA Pass degree and a concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) degree program. Child and Youth Studies programs provide a broadly based interdisciplinary approach that considers theoretical and applied approaches to children and youth within the multiple contexts of culture, the economy, the law, family, school, peer group, and community. With roots in psychology, sociology, anthropology, criminology, education and cultural studies, the academic focus provides an integration of approaches through which a comprehensive understanding of children and youth can evolve. In addition, the 20-credit degree programs give students the opportunity to prepare for admission to professional and advanced degree training in a variety of fields. Students interested in pursuing graduate study should complete the Honours degree.

The BA in Child and Youth Studies is not equivalent to an Early Childhood Education diploma and does not directly lead to certification as a preschool teacher. Many colleges offer fast-track Early Childhood Education programs designed for University graduates.

Brock students, both full-time and part-time, may apply to Child and Youth Studies. Applicants to major in BA CHYS (Single or Combined) or BA with Major must have credit in CHYS 1F90  and a minimum 60 percent major average in CHYS required courses completed as of May 1. All CHYS courses, GEOG 2P21 GEOG 3P21  and GEOG 3P22  (for combined CHYS/GEOG majors), PSYC 2F23  (for combined CHYS/LING and CHYS/PSYC-PSYC focus majors), SOCI 2P00 SOCI 2P11  and SOCI 2P38  (for combined CHYS/SOCI majors) will be used to calculate the CHYS average. Students who have other credits may be evaluated on an individual basis. Students failing to maintain the required average may request an opportunity to upgrade their marks and to be reinstated. Applicants to major in CHYS must submit the University Change Major Application form (available at to the Child and Youth Studies office by May 1. New applications to the Child and Youth Studies Honours, BA with Major and Pass BA programs are accepted in years 2 and 3. Late applications will not be accepted.

Brock students, both full-time and part-time, may apply to minor in Child and Youth Studies. Applicants to minor in CHYS must have credit in CHYS 1F90  and a minimum 60 percent minor average in CHYS required courses completed as of May 1. Applicants to minor in CHYS must submit a Child and Youth Studies departmental application form (available at to the Child and Youth Studies office by May 1 in addition to the University Declare or Change Major Application form (available at Late applications will not be accepted.

This is a limited enrolment program, and applicants to major or for Year 4 (Honours) must have the approval of the Chair of Child and Youth Studies. Admission is not guaranteed by attainment of the minimum requirements. Admission to Year 4 (Honours) is by application through the department. Students wishing to apply for the course work option are required to have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 70 percent combined average in CHYS 3P10  and CHYS 3P15 , and completion of fifteen credits which satisfy the requirements of the CHYS BA (Pass) (single or combined) degree requirements. Students wishing to apply for an individual thesis or applied research project are required to have a minimum 75 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 75 percent combined average in CHYS 3P10  and CHYS 3P15 , and completion of fifteen credits which satisfy the requirements of the CHYS BA (Pass) (single or combined) degree requirements. Applicants for Honours Child and Youth Studies year 4 must submit a Child and Youth Studies departmental application form (available at to the Child and Youth Studies office by May 1, in addition to the University Application for Year 4 Studies form (available at Students must apply to complete either a thesis, project or course work option for an Honours degree. Each Honours option will include a capstone experience. Late applications will not be accepted. Acceptance into the Individual Thesis and Applied Research Project streams may also be based in part on the availability of an approved supervisor from the CHYS department.

Students who have completed an appropriate College of Applied Arts and Technology two or three-year diploma should refer to the following admissions link for entry requirements Child and Youth Studies evaluates the files of eligible students in consultation with the Registrar’s Office after acceptance to Brock has been completed and transferable credits have been awarded. All applicants must take CHYS 1F90  . It is recommended that CHYS BA (single or combined) majors seek academic advice (Appointments link in

Students who have completed an appropriate College of Arts and Technology two-year diploma must have a minimum 80 percent cumulative average for consideration for the BA Child and Youth Studies (Honours)/BEd Program and may receive a maximum of three transfer credits if they are admitted to Brock; students who have completed a Child and Youth Worker diploma may receive four transfer credits. All applicants must take CHYS 1F90 . It is recommended that CHYS BA (Honours)/BEd majors seek academic advice from the Concurrent Education Programs Office.

Teachable Subjects

Students wishing to apply to teacher education programs in provinces other than Ontario are advised to check the admission requirements in the pertinent faculties of education with regard to teachable subjects. Students wishing to apply to teacher education programs in Ontario who do not take a minimum of three elective credits in courses designated as teachable subjects in one area may be restricted to certification at the Primary/Junior level.

Concurrent CHYS BA (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior)

The Department of Child and Youth Studies and the Faculty of Education cooperate in offering a Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd program. The Child and Youth Studies BA (Honours)/BEd program combines the BA Honours program with the teacher education program for students interested in teaching Primary/Junior (grades K-6). Refer to the Education - Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd Child and Youth Studies Program listing for additional information.

Program Notes

  1. All Child and Youth Studies majors are encouraged to choose electives from other departments to broaden their academic experience. Students must take a minimum of one credit from courses based outside of Child and Youth Studies in each program year. If CHYS majors register in more than a combined total of two credits from CHYS Clusters A, B and C, or if they register in more than two courses in any one cluster, they may be deregistered.
  2. CHYS majors will require departmental approval to register in more than three and one-half CHYS credits until date specified in Registration guide.
  3. Combined CHYS/GEOG and CHYS/SOCI majors who change to a single CHYS major will be required to take CHYS 2P51  and CHYS 2P52 .
  4. Applicants to major in BA CHYS (single or combined) or BA with Major must have credit in CHYS 1F90  and a minimum 60 per cent major average in CHYS required courses completed as of May 1.
  5. Applicants to minor in CHYS must have credit in CHYS 1F90  and a minimum 60 per cent minor average in CHYS required courses completed as of May 1.
  6. Admission to year 4 (Honours) is by application through the Department and applicants must have completed 15 credits which satisfy the CHYS BA (Pass) (single or combined) degree requirements. Students wishing to apply for the course work option are required to have a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, and a minimum 70 percent combined average in CHYS 3P10  and CHYS 3P15 . Students wishing to apply for an individual thesis or applied research project are required to have a minimum 75 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average, and a minimum 75 percent combined average in CHYS 3P10  and CHYS 3P15 .
  7. Admission to combined CHYS/PSYC Year 4 (Honours) is by application through the Department. CHYS Focus requires a minimum 75 percent major average, a 75 percent combined average in CHYS 3P10  and CHYS 3P15 , and a minimum 70 percent overall average. PSYC Focus requires a minimum 80 percent major average and a minimum 70 percent overall average.
  8. PSYC 3F40  and PSYC 3P39  are restricted to students with a minimum 77 percent major average. PSYC 4F91  is restricted to students with a minimum 80 percent major average.
  9. SOCI 4F90  is restricted to students with a minimum 80 percent major average.
  10. CHYS and CHYS BA (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) majors cannot take PSYC 2P12  or PSYC 3P18  in fulfilment of their degree requirements.
  11. Students who opt to take CHYS 2P51  will be required to take CHYS 3P10  in Year 3. Students who opt to take CHYS 2P52  will be required to take CHYS 3P15  in Year 3.
  12. Students must take one-half credit from two separate clusters.
  13. In 20 credit Honours degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

    In this 20 credit BA with Major degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least four and one-half credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and at least one and one-half credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

    In 15 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

    In some circumstances, in order to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 15 or 20 credits may be taken.

Course Clusters

Required courses offered by the Department in Year 3 fall into three main clusters: