Sep 30, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar (Draft) 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar (Draft)

Student Financial Information


Student fees that may be assessed through your financial account with the University will include but may not necessarily be limited to the following basic fee categories:

Tuition is assessed at differentiated rates between: (a) first and continuing year of study, (b) “arts, science and other programs” and “professional undergraduate programs” (business and computer science) and (c) out of province students and (d) international (visa) students.

Ancillary Fees are assessed on a per credit and sessional basis. Most ancillary fees are mandatory. These fees are governed by an Ancillary Fee Protocol established between the University and the Students’ Union. These fees are either administered by the University or by the Students’ Union.

Program Specific Fees may be charged because of the program you are enrolled in. Typical fees include co-op administration, placement or practicum fees.

Course Specific Fees may be charged by the University for the reasonable cost of such things as field trips, learning material and clothing retained by the student. Please consult course descriptions to identify if course specific fees apply.

Miscellaneous fees or administrative fees are fees for service and may be incurred by a student as a result of a request or action.

Residence and Meal Plan Fees vary depending on the residence assigned and type of room. Meal plans are mandatory for certain residence facilities. For details consult the Residence website at

For specific details of these fees, please consult the Student Accounts website

Other Fee Related Information

All students are bound by the Statement of Student Financial Responsibility, electronically signed annually prior to first registration in an academic year. Details on other fee related information such as payment instructions, payment due dates, methods of payment, over-due accounts, and withdrawal and refund schedules can be found on the Student Accounts website at

It is important to familiarize yourself with the information contained in the “Student Accounts and Financial Aid” website to ensure that you are aware of payment dates and of the consequences of not meeting your payment obligations.

We’re here to help! Please contact Brock Central @ the Registrar’s Office via Live Chat at, in-person located on the 3rd Floor of the Schmon Tower, phone: 905-688-5550 x 3052 or via email Our office hours can be found on the Office of the Registrars website at .

Please note, that in accordance with the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act of Ontario, we are unable to release information to anyone other than the student directly without the student’s consent. Students must provide written consent via the Brock student portal in order for University officials to release details of their enrolment. Please note that third party consent does not extend to email.

The Student Accounts and Financial Office communicates to students mainly through e-mail. It is therefore very important for students to check their Brock e-mail regularly, even during the summer months, for messages and notices from the Student Accounts and Financial Aid Office regarding their financial account.

Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards and Financial Assistance


Students need not apply for scholarships funded by the University unless otherwise indicated. Scholarships and awards are allocated at the discretion of the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Affairs. In order to ensure equitable distribution of funds, the Committee reserves the right to limit the cumulative monetary value of scholarships and awards that any one student may receive.

Normally, to be eligible for awards other than an entrance scholarship, a student must be presently registered full-time at Brock and have successfully completed four or more credits in the previous Fall/Winter Session. Students with special needs, who are full-time but carrying fewer than four credits because of the impact of a disability, are also eligible for scholarships, as recommended by the Vice-Provost, and Associate Vice-President Student Services. Awards based on donations cannot be guaranteed by the University and can only be forwarded after the funds have been received from the donor. A student who reduces their course load or withdraws from the University will have their scholarship pro-rated or reversed.

By accepting any award at Brock University, the recipient automatically releases their permission to use their name/likeness, as well as, program and year of study for release by the University and any other third parties approved by the University. Thank you letters received from students are forwarded to the donor of the award.

Please note: An asterisk (*) appears beside the value of an endowed scholarship. The figure shown is a past award amount. The value will vary from year-to-year depending upon income earned by the endowment. Please visit for more information.

Entrance Scholarships for New/Entering Students

All applicants, who have not previously attended a post-secondary institution (no previous post-secondary experience) and who apply for full-time study at the University on the basis of an OSSD, are automatically considered for Brock Entrance Scholars Awards. Entrance scholarships are awarded on the basis of the six grade 12 U or M courses used to establish the student’s final admission average and are subject to the availability of funds.

The minimum average required for the awarding of a scholarship is determined each year by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Affairs. Notification of an award is made together with the offer of admission and is subject to change based on final admission average.

Brock Entrance Scholars Award

Awarded to entering students with no previous post-secondary experience. Initial offers are made based on secondary school grades available at the time of admission. The offers are reviewed when final grades are submitted and will be altered if the final average falls into a new category. Scholarship values for 2023 entry are:

$13,600 (renewable $3,400 per year**) for averages 95.0 percent+

$7,600 (renewable $1,900 per year**) for averages 90.0 percent - 94.9 percent

$3,600 (renewable $190 per year**) for averages 85.0 percent - 89.9 percent

$1,600 (renewable $400 per year**) for averages 80.0 percent - 84.9 percent

** Renewals will be based upon completion of each 5.0 credit milestone. An 80.0% average is required to renew. Renewal eligibility is assessed upon completion of each 5.0 credit milestone, regardless of whether or not the scholarship was renewed the previous year.

Students pursuing a pass degree (3 years of study) are eligible for a total of 2 consecutive renewals; students pursuing an honours degree (4 years of study) are eligible for a total of 3 consecutive renewals.

Students pursuing the Concurrent Education program are only eligible for scholarship renewals during the completion of their first undergraduate degree and will not receive a scholarship renewal in their final two years of Teachers Education.

For courses completed while on exchange, or any course that does not have a numeric value (eg. nursing clincals) students must submit the Brock Entrance & Returning Scholars Renewal Form for renewal review.

Co-op students are eligible for Brock Scholars awards and renewals. Award renewals for co-op students will be assessed after completing each academic credit milestone of 5.0 full credits and will be based on their best 5.0 full academic credits counted towards the degree. Work term additive credit courses used towards the co-op certification on the degree are excluded. A minimum 80 percent average in each milestone is required to renew the award. Milestones will be assessed when students reach 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 cumulative academic degree credits. Co-op students must fill out the Brock Entrance & Returning Scholars Renewal Form to ensure their renewal is reviewed.

All registered academic degree courses with an academic weight will be included in the student’s milestone calculation. Courses for the milestone will be calculated in the following order: full credit courses, duration two half-credit courses, and finally, duration three half-credit courses.

Brock Returning Scholars Award

Awarded to continuing full-time undergraduate students who have attained a minimum of 80.0 per cent on four or more credits in the previous fall and winter sessions.

$1500 for averages over 93.9 percent
$1000 for averages above 89.9 percent
$550 for averages above 84.9 percent
$350 for averages above 80.0 percent

*Students receiving a renewal of a Brock Scholars Award are not eligible for a Returning Scholars Award.

In-Course Scholarships for Returning Students

To be considered for Brock Returning Scholars Awards and a number of donor in-course scholarships, students must normally have completed five credits or more in the previous fall/winter session with an overall average of 80 per cent. Students with special needs who are full-time but carrying fewer than four credits because of the impact of a disability, as recommended by the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Student Services are also eligible for in-course scholarships. The minimum average required for the awarding of Brock Returning Scholars Awards is determined each year by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Student Affairs. To apply for scholarships please visit our website to fill out the OneApp at


Bursary funds are never adequate to provide full support or even a major part of support for students. Rather, bursaries are intended to assist students whose personal resources (including eligibility for loans) are normally adequate or nearly so, but whose immediate circumstances have created a financial crisis or limited shortage. All students who are eligible to do so, are expected to have applied for assistance under the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and to have accepted all loans granted under that program. Acceptance of a bursary implies the commitment of the recipient to complete the current academic year. A student who withdraws from the University will have their bursary pro-rated.

Please note: An asterisk (*) appears beside the value of an endowed bursary. The figure shown is the amount awarded last year. The value will vary from year-to-year depending upon the income earned by the endowment.

Bursaries are granted for the current academic year and applications may be submitted at anytime during the term. To be considered for most donor bursaries, applications must be submitted by October 15 except where otherwise noted. To apply for bursaries please visit our website to fill out the OneApp at

Brock University General Bursary Assistance

Application Required

Value: Varies. Students may apply for emergency bursary assistance based solely on financial need. You are required to:

  • Complete a bursary application form via OneApp;
  • Be currently registered for courses at Brock University;
  • Be in satisfactory academic standing (i.e., not on probation with a minimum overall average of at least 60%).

Applications for Fall/Winter accepted beginning August 1 of each year.

Brock Emergency Bursary Assistance requests must also complete the emergency bursary application. These requests are intended to assist with sudden, unforeseen and unavoidable financial crisis, not budgeting issues or life style choices. Additional detailed financial information will be required, and a budget consultation meeting may be required. This application is available all year, as funds are available.

Dean’s Honours List
Students are placed on The Dean’s Honour List if they have completed five credits with an average of 80 per cent on those credits; there is no monetary value. The student will be considered for the Dean’s Honours List recognition when the 5, 10, 15 and 20 credit levels (milestones) surpassed. Each five credit milestone is assessed independently. All credits within the milestone must be completed during the first undergraduate degree at Brock (i.e., no transfer courses) and have passing grades. Transfer credits are applied to the earliest milestone(s) in the cumulative credit count; students with transfer credits included in a milestone are ineligible for the recognition. The Dean’s Honours List is normally updated by the end of June for milestones crossed during the Fall/Winter semesters and in September for milestones crossed in the Spring/Summer.

Distinguished Graduating Student Award
Awarded to the most distinguished graduate for each department and program. To receive the distinction, a student must meet the minimum requirements for first-class honours standing (80 per cent Major/70 per cent non-major avg); except for the Teacher Education & Concurrent Education. Concurrent students are selected based on a combination of their undergraduate degree and their EDUC 8L09 or EDUC 8D09 (respectively). Teacher Education provides an award for each for primary/junior, junior/intermediate, intermediate/senior Teacher Education. Faculty of Education distinguished graduating awards are selected by the Faculty.

Governor General’s Silver Medal
Awarded to two students graduating with the highest cumulative overall averages. Graduates from the Fall and previous spring Convocation are eligible. A minimum of 10 credits must be completed at Brock University and the graduate must be receiving their first honours degree.

Award Information

Listing of Awards ­ by Faculty

To see a current list of all the awards offered to Brock University Students:

Future Students:
