Oct 11, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar (Draft) 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Calendar (Draft)

Business Administration - Double Degree (BBA)

Department of Accounting

Fayez A. Elayan

Professor Emeritus
A. William Richardson

Fayez A. Elayan, Hemantha Herath, Jingyu (Jennifer) Li, Alex Nikitkov,Barbara Sainty, Paul Scarbrough, Tanya Tang, Samir Trabelsi

Associate Professors
Ian Adamson, Kareen E. Brown, Louis Culumovic, Sohyung Kim, Pascale Lapointe-Antunes, Michelle Lau, Zhefeng Frank Liu, Parunchana Pacharn, Anamitra Shome, Tashfeen Sohail, Linda Stillabower

Assistant Professors
Dan (Sabrina) Gong, Nam Ho, Mengtian Li, Simon Suwanyangyuan

Norman Chasse, Sangeeta Hollo, Glenn Skrubbeltrang, Celine Zhang

Undergraduate Advisers
Steve Argiropoulos, Stephanie Domanico, Stella Han, Kevin Leung, Lainie Wagner

Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems

Kenneth J. Klassen

Professors Emeriti
Thomas H. Barnes, J. Robert Hanrahan

Mohamed Ayadi, Anteneh Ayanso, Ernest N. Biktimirov, Danny Cho, Don Cyr, Zhongzhi (Lawrence) He, Tejaswini Herath, Princely Ifinedo, Eugene Kaciak, Kenneth J. Klassen, Martin I. Kusy, Skandar Lazrak, Walid Ben Omrane, Robert Welch, Reena Yoogalingam

Associate Professors
Michael Armstrong, Dipanjan Chatterjee, Jin Lei, Onem Ozocak, Unyong (Howard) Pyo, Tatyana Sokolyk, Francine Vachon, Yan Wang

Assistant Professors
Osman Aktas, Nigussie Mengesha, Ali Vaezi, Shuai Yuan

Geoffrey Hoover

Undergraduate Advisors
Steve Argiropoulos, Stephanie Domanico, Stella Han, Kevin Leung, Lainie Wagner

Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy

Kai-Yu Wang

Professors Emeriti
Barbara J. Austin, Tansu Barker, Kenneth E. Loucks, Peter Yannopoulos

Sheng Deng, Shibing (Marshall) Jiang, Antonia Mantonakis, Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl, Kai-Yu Wang, Lianxi Zhou

Associate Professors
Abdul Ashraf, Eric Dolansky, Todd Green, Wesley Helms, Magnus Hultman, Waqar Nadeem, Francis Sun

Assistant Professors
Filippo Dall’Olio, Sylvia Grewatsch, Joachim Scholz, Asma Zafar

Jacqueline Glenney, Mark Parker

Undergraduate Advisers
Steve Argiropoulos, Stephanie Domanico, Stella Han, Kevin Leung, Lainie Wagner

Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics

Usman Raja

Professor Emeriti
Carol A. Sales

Dave Bouckenooghe, Dirk De Clercq, Paul Dunn, Andrew Gaudes, Mark Julien, Deborah M. McPhee, Teresa V. Menzies, Usman Raja, Kojo Saffu

Associate Professors
H. Shawna Chen, Sadia Jahanzeb, Adam Kanar, Diane Miller, Robert Steinbauer, Barry Wright

Assistant Professors
Francois Cote-Vaillancourt, Saima Naseer, Yasanthi Perera

Undergraduate Advisors
Steve Argiropoulos, Stephanie Domanico, Stella Han, Kevin Leung, Lainie Wagner

General Information

Administrative Assistants

Department of Accounting
Martin Caruana
905-688-5550, extension 3266
GSB 244

Department of Finance, Operations and Information Systems
Val DeSimone
905-688-5550, extension 4426
GSB 475D

Department of Marketing, International Business and Strategy
Katherine Johnston
905-688-5550, extension 3944
GSB 455

Department of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship and Ethics
Brittani Allan, obhree@brocku.ca
905-688-5550, extension 5072
GSB 418


The Goodman School of Business offers 20 credit programs in Accounting and Business Administration. A subsequent degree is available in the Bachelor of Accounting program for students holding an undergraduate degree in another discipline. A four credit Minor in Business is open to Brock students pursuing degrees in other Faculties.

Normally students cannot take courses for which they lack the prerequisites or for which they do not meet course restrictions. Exceptions may be allowed only in extraordinary circumstances and with permission of the instructor. Exceptions that would result in a violation of university regulations and exceptions for students refused admission into the Goodman School of Business or who have been adjudicated out of any Goodman School of Business program will also require Dean’s approval. Students should submit override requests on-line at portal.bus.brocku.ca

Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc)

The program in Accounting is designed for students pursuing careers in the Accounting profession. The program is professionally oriented and combines a high degree of specialization in Accounting along with studies in Business, the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Mathematics and Science. The BAcc program is fully accredited by the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) of Ontario. The BAcc program is offered as an Honours program. This is a limited enrolment program. On successful completion of the program, the degree Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) is awarded.

Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) Co-operative (Co-op)

The BAcc Co-op program is fully accredited by the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) of Ontario. The program scheduling combines academic and work terms over a four and one-half year period. Students work in a wide variety of locations throughout Ontario. Students must register with CPA Ontario on a conditional basis at the beginning of the first work period. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Bachelor of Accounting Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees ). Students awarded more than 5.0 transfer credits normally are not considered for the BAcc Co-op program.

All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Manuals (brocku.ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-manuals) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the Co-op option is based on the student’s major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career.

Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Programs Office.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

The BBA is designed for students pursuing careers in business and government. The program is professionally oriented and combines studies in the Business disciplines with studies in the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Mathematics and Science.

The BBA program is offered as a regular four-year 20 credit program. This is a limited enrolment program. On successful completion of the program, the degree Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is awarded.

The requirement for graduation with a BBA (Honours) is a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average. The requirement for graduation with a BBA is a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average.

All BBA students are required to take a number of core courses. At the end of Year 2 students may apply for admission to an area of concentration. Only those students admitted to a concentration who graduate with a BBA (Honours) will have their concentration recognized on their diploma and official transcript.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Co-operative (Co-op)

The BBA Co-op program is a limited enrolment program combining academic and work terms over a four and one-half year period. Students spend two years in an academic setting studying the functional areas of business as well as the Canadian and global business environments prior to the first work term. The exposure to courses in the core areas of business provides the necessary academic background for the work experience. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, BBA Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees ). Students awarded more than 5.0 transfer credits normally are not considered for the BBA Co-op program.

All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Manuals (brocku.ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-manuals) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the Co-op option is based on the student’s major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career.

Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Program Office.

The degree Bachelor of Business Administration (Co-op option) will be awarded to those students who have Honours standing and who have successfully completed the program and a minimum of twelve months of Co-op work experience.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Co-op International Double Degree

The Business Administration Co-op International Double Degree program is a limited enrolment program that allows undergraduate business students to earn a BBA from Brock University, in addition to a second degree from a leading business school overseas while gaining International and Canadian co-op work experience. Students admitted to this program will have the opportunity after admission to transfer into one of five double degree tracks: the German track at the European Business School, International University Schloss Reichartshausen (EBS) or ESB Business School, Reutlingen University (Reutlingen) in Germany; the French track at NEOMA Business School (Neoma) in France; the Irish track at Dublin City University (DCU) in Ireland and the UK track at Lancaster University (LU) in England.

Upon successful completion of the course of studies for any of the five double degree tracks, students will receive an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Brock and a Bachelor of Science in Business Studies from EBS; a Bachelor of Science in International Management from Reutlingen; a Diplôme du Centre d’Etudes Supérieures Européennes de Management (CESEM) from Neoma; a Bachelor of Arts in Global Business from DCU or a BBA (Hons) in International Business Management from LU.

Students admitted to the Double Degree program may apply for admission to an area of concentration. While this is normally done at end of Year 2, inbound Double Degree students may apply during Year 3. Only those students who meet all program requirements will have their concentration recognized on their diploma and official transcript.

Periodic Review of Eligibility to Continue

Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc) Co-op

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Accounting Co-op program must follow the Co-op program schedule. The eligibility of each student to continue is based on the student’s major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

A student with a minimum 70 percent major average, a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the BAcc Co-op program.

A student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the BAcc Co-op program yet will be permitted to continue in the BBA program provided that they hold a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average.

Students admitted to the BAcc Co-op program must follow the BAcc Co-op program schedule. Failure to adhere to the schedule, without the permission of the Co-op Programs Director, may result in removal from the BAcc Co-op program.

A student who fails a major course more than once will not be permitted to continue in the BAcc Co-op Program.

A student must complete FNCE 2P91  by 12.5 credits to be eligible to continue in the BAcc Co-op program. A student who does not meet this requirement will not be permitted to continue in the program.

Bachelor of Accounting (BAcc)

Eligibility to continue is based on the student’s major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the BAcc program.

A student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the BAcc program yet will be permitted to continue in the BBA program provided that they hold a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average.

A student who fails a major course more than once will not be permitted to continue in the BAcc Program.

A student must complete FNCE 2P91  by 12.5 credits to be eligible to continue in the BAcc program. A student who does not meet this requirement will not be permitted to continue in the program.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Co-op

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-op program must follow the BBA Co-op program schedule. Eligibility to continue is based on the student’s major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the BBA Co-op program.

A student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the BBA Co-op program, but may continue in the BBA program. If a student subsequently raises his/her major average to 70 percent, the student may be readmitted to the Co-op program only if approved by the Co-op Admissions Committee.

Students admitted to the BBA Co-op program must follow the BBA Co-op program schedule. Failure to adhere to the schedule, without the permission of the Co-op Programs Director, may result in removal from the BBA Co-op program.

A student who fails a major course more than once will not be permitted to continue in the BBA Co-op Program.

A student must complete MGMT 1P93  and FNCE 2P91  by 12.5 credits to be eligible to continue in the BBA Co-op program. A student who does not meet this requirement will not be permitted to continue in the program.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Eligibility to continue is based on the student’s major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the BBA Honours with a concentration program, as outlined in the concentrations below.

A student with a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average will be permitted to continue in the BBA program.

A student who does not meet a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum percent overall average will not be permitted to continue in the BBA program.

A student who fails a course more than once will not be permitted to continue in the BBA Program.

A student must complete MGMT 1P93  and FNCE 2P91  by 12.5 credits to be eligible to continue in the BBA program. A student who does not meet the requirements will not be permitted to continue in the program.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Co-op International Double Degree

Students admitted to the Bachelor of Business Administration Co-op International Double Degree program must follow the Double Degree program schedule. Eligibility to continue is based on the student’s major average and non-major average and will be reviewed following completion of a Session.

A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue in the Double Degree program.

An outbound Double Degree student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will not be permitted to continue in the Double Degree program, but may continue in the BBA program. If a student subsequently raises his/her major average to 70 percent, the student may be readmitted to the Double Degree program only if approved by the Goodman School of Business and the Co-op Admissions Committee.

An inbound Double Degree student who does not meet a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will have one term to increase grades back to Honours. If the student remains below Honours, the student will be removed from the Double Degree program and will need to apply for admission to Brock, should they wish to continue studies here (as either a visiting non-degree seeking student taking courses on Letter of Permission or a degree-seeking student in an another program). Previous status in the Double Degree program does not guarantee admission to another program at Brock.

Students admitted to the Double Degree program must follow the Double Degree program schedule. Failure to adhere to the schedule, without the permission of the Goodman School of Business and Co-op Programs Director, may result in removal from the Double Degree program.

A student who fails a major course more than once will not be permitted to continue in the BBA Co-op Double Degree program.

A student must complete MGMT 1P93  and FNCE 2P91  by 12.5 credits to be eligible to continue in the BBA Co-op Double Degree program. A student who does not meet this requirement will not be permitted to continue in the program.

Re-Admission and Transfer Eligibility

The application form for re-admission or to transfer into the BAcc or BBA (Declare or Change Major Application form) is available online at https://brocku.ca/registrar/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/Declare-or-Change-Majors-Feb-2023.pdf or at the Office of the Registrar. The Declare or Change Major Application form to transfer into the BAcc or BBA program must be completed and returned to the Office of the Registrar by June 1 or August 1 to be considered for admission to the program for the beginning of the subsequent Fall/Winter Session. The BAcc and BBA are limited enrolment programs. Admission is not guaranteed by attainment of the minimum requirements outlined below.

To be eligible for readmission to the BAcc program (or to transfer from the BBA or a combined major program), a student must meet all of the following requirements:

► Completion of at least two and one-half credits required in the BAcc program, including either   ACTG 1P91  and ACTG 2P12  or ACTG 1P01  and ACTG 1P02 .
► A minimum 70 percent average in BAcc major courses, 60 percent non-major average, a minimum 75 percent ACTG average and permission of the Chair.

To be eligible for readmission to the BBA program (or to transfer from another program), a student must meet all of the following requirements:

► Completion of ECON 1P91 , ECON 1P92 , MATH 1P97  and STAT (MATH) 1P98 with a minimum 65 percent average.
► A minimum 65 percent average in all BBA major courses taken to date.
► A minimum 70 percent overall average.

Program Notes

  1. There is a one-half credit overload for BBA Co-op students during the Winter Term of Year 3.
  2. Students wishing to obtain a Minor, within a degree program may not use the same courses(s) to satisfy both the major requirements and the minor requirements. SPMA majors are not eligible for the Minor in Business.
  3. A maximum of one-half ITIS credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above may be taken by Operations Management concentration students. A maximum of one-half OPER credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above may be taken by Information Systems concentration students.
  4. Students in the BBA Co-op General Management concentration may opt to take MKTG 3P96  in the Winter term of Year 3. One of FNCE 3P96 , FNCE 4P03 , FNCE 4P05  would be taken in Fall of Year 4.
  5. The program of study at EBS will consist of regularly offered courses taught in English and by regular EBS faculty. Brock students will be required to study the German language as part of the EBS Double Degree program. The program of study at Reutlingen will consist of regularly offered courses taught primarily in German and by regular Reutlingen faculty. Brock students will be required to study the German language as part of the Reutlingen Double Degree program. Students are required to complete 2.0 German credits for both programs from the following: Students who have not completed Ontario 4U/M German language or equivalent will take GERM 1F00  and GERM 1F90 . Students who have completed Ontario 4U/M German language or equivalent will take GERM 1F90  and GERM 2F00  and may not take GERM 1F00  without permission of the instructor. Permission is granted only in exceptional cases.
  6. The Program of study at NEOMA will consist of regularly offered courses taught primarily in French and by regular NEOMA faculty. Students are required to complete 2.0 French credits from the following:

    Students should have completed a minimum of Ontario grade 10/11 French language or equivalent and will take FREN 1F50  and FREN 1F90 .

    Students with Ontario 4U/M standing or equivalent in French take FREN 1F90  in Year 1 and FREN 2F00  in Year 2.

    Immersion students may take FREN 2F00  in Year 1, with permission of the Department; normally, they take FREN 1F90 . Français student take FREN 2F00  in Year 1 and 1.0 additional French credit in Year 2.
  7. In 20 credit degree programs a maximum of eight credits may be numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99; at least three credits must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; at least three credits must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; and the remaining credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above.

    In some circumstances, in order to meet university degree and program requirements, more than 20 credits may be taken.